Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Best Friends

Melina and Artemis were friends before they were even born! Mel is only one month older than Artemis and she started visiting her for some playtime from the first days she was born. They are close from this day on. Cuties! 


Petites Musiques De Mon Coeur said...

πόσο χαμογελώ!

One Happy Dot said...

Εντάξει...έλιωσα για σήμερα! BTW...TOMS just arrived! ;)

Unknown said...
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Naf said...

@petites musiques
moi ausi

@One Happy Dot
me too! που να δείς τι άλλο κάνανε τα ζουζούνια. Φτού φτού. ΠΑΡΕ ΝΑ ΜΟΥ ΠΕΙΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΑ TOMS!!!

alve said...

zouzounakia mou....